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Horse Legs

2024 RVAS Fee Schedule

Membership(valid January 1,2024-December 31,2024).


Includes RVAS insurance and access to vote at the AGM.


A membership must be purchased before paying for group user fee, drop-in or annual riding fee.


Individual Membership-$30

Family Membership-$50

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*NEW* Riding Fee

Drop-in - $10/ per visit/Per horse

Unlimited Riding Access(single)-$150/year

Unlimited Riding Access(family)-$250/year

Private booking-$25/ Hour


Groups: (Defined as a formally organized group where bookings are reoccurring)

Group user fee-$20/booking


Please note: the drop-in fee or annual fee is waived during the group user fee

How To Pay the Riding Fee

Riding Usage fees can be paid by e-transfer to, or cash/cheque to Charlsie Leeson (Treasurer), Sandi Ensz (events/booking director) or Flurina Deagle (membership director).


The payment of fees is to be done following an honesty policy. This will occasionally be monitored but the River Valley Agricultural Society trusts that all members will find the value in this and will pay their appropriate fees prior to using the facility. 

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